5 Tips for Traveling with Your Knitting & Crochet

 With the world starting to open up and travel becoming a thing again here are some tips for travelling with your wips!

1) Check to make sure you can bring your knitting needles, tiny scissors, crochet hooks ect on the plane. I know travelling within North America it is fine, but I have heard there are some other countries which do prohibit these items on planes. When buying your plane ticket check what is on the prohibited item list before you get to the airport and they throw out your knitting needles!!

2)Think about how long you will be travelling for and how much down time to knit/crochet you will actually have. I am 100% guilty of over packing yarn on trips haha. I really need to try to be better because unless you are travelling somewhere very rural you will have access to yarn shops and be able to buy more yarn where you are if you are desperate for new cast on haha. 

3)Only pack what you need! Don't pack every single needle, hook, progress keeper you own haha. Take what you need plus maybe one extra needle/hook. Otherwise you are taking up valuable suitcase space for yarn purchases you make on your vacation!

4)Try to pack small projects if you can. I try not to pack overly complicated and big projects when going on vacation. You don't want to be travelling and stressing over a new stitch or having to cart around a sweaters worth of yarn. My fav travel projects are socks, hats, cowls & small shawls.

5)Enjoy your trip! Don't stress if you only get knitting time in on the plane! Usually when I travel I knit in the airport/on the plane. If I have a few minutes between adventures I may sneak in a row or two but that's it! I once took a crochet sweater project with me on vacation to vegas....  think I got a total of maybe 10 rows done and had dragged all this yarn with me for nothing haha lesson learned! 

What are your yarn-y travel tips???

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