You Can DO it!

Hello! These sure are some interesting times we are in eh ? Looking for way to keep yourself sane while stuck at home? Here are a few tips from KGC.

Recently I did a whole episode on my podcast Casting On about different activities you could do to keep yourself busy! One of the things I did not touch on so much is routine. I know I myself am struggling with the lack of routine in life. I am the type of person who NEEDS routine.I keep struggling to create a more regular routine at the moment because I have no idea how long the world will be in the state it is in. What if I just get into a new routine and things change and I have to start again, what if things change tomorrow, next week, next ive been in this holding state waiting for life to "get back to normal"

The thing is no one knows when that will be and we (mostly talking to myself here) need to just let that idea go and just try to fall into a "new normal" and if that changes then we roll with the punches as best we can. Whose with me????

Some changes I'd like to try and make in daily schedule are:

1)get up early every day, I feel so much better waking up early because I am a morning person (totally understand not everyone is, but try to develop a wake up time that works for you). Maintaining some semblance of a daily wake-sleep schedule is important for me. I feel so much better even just by getting up early. Yes it's a struggle to get out of bed, especially when you have no where you need to be.

2)get dressed, I say this as I sit here at 1:17pm still in last nights pj's. I want to try and start getting dressed everyday even if its just in fresh sweatpants/t-shirts lol baby steps right?

3)work on projects other then knitting/crochet :0 I know blasphemy. My bf pointed out to me last night that I have not really been working on anything other then yarn dying/knitting in the past two weeks. I haven't even really been reading that much which is crazy for me. Again living in the holding pattern I have seemed to put most things on hold, even things I enjoy.

4)try to take some kind of online course/training. I actually started an online marketing course through Lynda this morning. It is probably going to take me way longer then it says to complete because I not the kind of person who can just sit and listen to lecture after lecture (thankfully my background was in science so-minimal lecture, mostly hands on labs!).

I have also created a little PDF to-do list document that is available on Etsy! It has a place to write down your WIPS, Non-negotiable to do's (things you HAVE to get done that day), general to do and fun things! I think it is important to try to do one thing a day that you enjoy, for me that has been baking (we have been eating lots lol)

Hope if you are struggling with the current situation and how to adapt to it this helps you see you are not alone!


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